Nacon connect 2022: News for WRC Generations and Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

Nacon connect 2022 took place on 7 July! At this conference, Nacon presented more than 20 titles to come in the next few months.

For our part, you've heard all about WRC Generations, with the arrival of new hybrid cars and more content than ever before in a WRC game!



Here is the trailer presented at the Nacon Connect:

As for Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown, we've given you a first glimpse of Hong Kong Island in-game, as well as 7 exclusive screenshots available on Steam :
And for the trailer, it's here :
Finally, if you'd like to watch the interviews with Alain Jarniou, creative director at Kylotonn, and Guillaume Guinet, lead game designer on TDUSC, here's the full replay of Nacon connect 2022 :
July 8, 2022